Sunday 31 July 2011

Tier 2 PVE Epic Battles

OK.. I take no credit for this, this is sexwulfs guide to Epic Battles on the forums here

First: Scout Investigation Remaining to 25%
Phase 1/2 Completion: An eerie calm fills the air, as huge tentacles rise up and out from the deep, threatening your ships from both sides!
First: Attack & Assassinate Starboard side tentacles
Second: Attack & Assassinate Port side tentacles
Third: Scout Investigation Remaining to 0%
Mission Completion: Your ships have survived, but something much more fearful lies deep beneath the waves... and it's moving towards shore. Race home to tell the rest of your kingdom of the threat at hand.


First: Attack & Assassinate Massive Tentacles to 20%
Phase 1/2 Completion: Before you can land the killing blow, a sea of tentacles rises up from the depths, surrounding you.
First: Attack & Assassinate Sea of Tentacles
Second: Attack & Assassinate Massive Tentacles
Mission Completion: As it senses its inevitable demise, it retreats into the depths of the waters.


First: Attack Seraphis the Great
Scout Elestrial the Just
Steal Celest the Angelic
Use Item: Bribery Gem Imageon Nerissius the Wander for first 50% then use assassinate for the second 50%
Second: Attack & Assassinate Deviticus the Savior
Mission Completion: Defeated at last, the Myrmidons come to their senses, grateful to you for breaking them free. With Z'uthmerak's threat still looming, it seems you have a common score to settle.


First: Attack and assassinate the Sea of Tentacles (effects both Port & Starboard each action)
Second: Attack & Assassinate Head of Z'uthmerak to 75%
Phase 1/3 Completion: Angered, Z'uthmerak summons all its might, raising an entire sea of massive tentacles to confront your allied assault.
First: Use item: Healing Aura Image on the Sea of Tentacles (effects both Port & Starboard each action)
Second: Use item: Healing Aura Image on the Massive Tentacles (effects both Port & Starboard each action) (It Regenerates 1800 points every 2 minutes)
Third: Attack & Assassinate the Head of Z'uthmerak to 10% while the Massive Tentacles at zero. (It Regenerates 1800 points every 2 minutes)
Phase 2/3 Completion: Sliced to pieces by the Myrmidons, the tentacles fall to the wayside. Finish the beast off now!
First: Attack & Assassinate the Head of Z'uthmerak to 0%
Mission Completion: The dismembered masses of Z'uthmerak litter the sea, the threat has been neutralized. Your combined forces are hailed as saviors of the land.



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