Friday 8 April 2011

Ally Max Plunder


image What is Ally Plunder?

When you attack another kingdom and win you will notice that you get money listed from 2 sources.  One is related to your build or troop numbers, the other the cost of the allies you have.  The figure related to your build reduces as your troop numbers decreases, so you earn less per win.  The figure from your allies is a static figure.  It therefore makes sense for this figure to be as high as possible so you make as much money as possible from each attack you make.


So What is Max Plunder?

In KaW originally the amount of money you could make from allies went up and up and up.  It caused all sorts of fun and battles over allies as the more expensive allies you owned the more money you would make.  An ally cap was introduced so that for your build you can earn a maximum amount of money from your allies.  If you are at Max Plunder you will be making the most of your build in terms of making money, so definitely something to have.


So How do You Know if You Are at Max Plunder?

  1. Attack someone you know you can beat
  2. Make a note of the plunder from allies figure
  3. Purchase an ally which costs about 200,000
  4. Attack the same person again, and look at the ally plunder figure
  5. If the figure has gone up you were not at max plunder, and need to purchase more allies to make more money per hit.

It is true that at the beginning of the game trying to get to max plunder feels really hard as you just want to get buildings and increase your statistics.  The truth however is if you keep to max plunder you will grow quicker over all, definitely worth considering.

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