Sunday 24 April 2011

Is Hit and Run Dead?

testing war Ok.. so this is evidence that I’m a geek… and I’m firmly blaming No123 and Eric for outing me.

Why Are We Testing?

After the first double plunder war with Triumph, the Dark Moon OSF’s got all the war tax and we repeated the process at Triumph so they could get all the war tax.  Only something went very wrong.  Whilst we got all the tax we expected, the Triumph war was down on tax by possibly 200b.  And when you are a hard working OSF who needs to grow and re-pot, that is a lot of money.

Previous tests we did when rumours around plunder wars being dead proved that plunder wars were still alive and kicking.  However the results this time round are not so promising.

The picture is the spreadsheet from the last round of testing we did (I did, 123 told me what to do to replicate his findings) to find out what is going on with the war tax.  It strongly looks like if you both kick a player or they leave not only do they take their plunder but the also take the war tax.  On the left is the players and the hits/steals they made, on the right is their name, the total they made and then the outcome of the war.  For hit and run to be alive, Chewy should have received a lot more tax.  Clearly there is still a discrepancy in the figures, but it gives a very strong indication that hit and run is over.

What Might This Mean?

Now if this is true it could mean that
  • “Hit and Run” plunder wars are dead, but clan plunder wars (stay and play) are fine as long as no one leaves.
  • Any time someone leaves a plunder war they are taking from the OSF, both in terms of money and time, with no repayment from the tax.
  • Plunder war revenue to start with will go down if we do not get outsiders to join and stay in the clan, so OSF’s will not grow as fast
  • We need to stick to our stats entry to ensure we get the most tax possible
  • I predict clans will become more protective over big players to ensure they can grow their own OSF
  • Smaller players will be looking for places to go as clans will stop allowing them to join
  • I guess some clans will bring in reprisals if people leave a plunder war to early
  • We may see an increase in people hitting OSF out side of war

My guess is that this is all in preparation for the PVE (Player Verses Environment) update, when clan identity and clan strength will need exist in order to be able to do the quests.

I think that this is good for the clan as it causes us to grow a deeper sense of unity but we will need to consider
  • how do we get players to join the clan
  • how do we grow new players
  • are there new ways to determine if someone becomes a clan member
  • what happens if someone leaves the clan during a plunder war, are there reprisals?

Its interesting to me to see how something that is so relatively small in terms of changes creates all sorts of questions in my head.

What we will do is repeat the testing to confirm the outcome

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